Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Both the Bhagavad Gita and the Vishnu Sahasranama are found in the Mahabharata. But the Vishnu Sahasranama is more commonly recited than the Bhagavad Gita. What is the reason?
The answer can be inferred from an episode in the Mahabharata. Arjuna has vowed that he will kill anyone who insults his bow. In the course of the war, Yudishtra speaks disparagingly of Arjuna’s bow. So Arjuna is in the sorry state of having to kill his own brother.
Krishna suggests a way out. He tells Arjuna to speak disrespectfully to Yudishtra. Speaking disrespectfully to elders is equal to killing them, said Akkarakkani Srinidhi, in a discourse. So Arjuna has now technically killed Yudishtra and kept his vow. But Arjuna now has to atone for the sin of killing his brother. Krishna advises him to praise himself. Self praise is equal to suicide. So by praising himself, Arjuna technically commits suicide!
But Lord Krishna, who gave such advice to Arjuna, praised Himself in the Bhagavad Gita. He had to, because He had to make people aware that He was the Supreme One and that they must aspire to reach His feet. So He had no option but to speak of Himself.
The Vishnu Sahasranama also points to Him as the Supreme One, but it came not from Him, but from Bhishma. So it can be argued, that the Sahasranama is superior to the Gita, because in the Gita we have the Supreme One praising the Supreme One. But in the Vishnu Sahasranama, we have a devotee praising the Supreme One. That is why the Vishnu Sahasranama is more popular than the Bhagavad Gita, and is recited by more people. The Vishnu Sahasranama has a further greatness. When Bhishma recited it, the Lord Himself was a listener.
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Friday, 14 November 2014
Friday, 11 July 2014
Friday, 13 June 2014
Pigeon Couple
Bhishma to Yudhishthira -
'I shall say what is now beneficial for thee.' Hearing me follow thou my counsel,
O dear lord, be thou the rescuer of a suppliant. This fowler lies here by thy abode, afflicted with cold and hunger. Do him the duties of hospitality. The sin that a person commits by slaying a Brahmana or that mother of the world, viz., a cow, is equal to that which one incurs by suffering a suppliant to perish (from want of help). Thou art possessed of knowledge of self. It ever behoves one like thee, therefore, to follow that course which has been ordained for us as pigeons by the order of our birth. It has been heard by us that the householder who practises virtue according to the measure of his abilities, wins hereafter inexhaustible regions of bliss. Thou hast sons. Thou hast progeny. O bird, casting off all kindness for thy own body, therefore, and for winning virtue and profit, offer worship to this fowler so that his heart may be pleased. Do not, O bird, indulge in any grief on my account. (See, how unimportant I am!) Thou mayst continue to live, taking other wives!' The amiable she-pigeon, overcome with sorrow, and casting her eyes upon her lord from the fowler's cage within which she had been immured, said these words unto him.'"
'I heard in former days from high-souled Rishis and gods and Pitris that there is great merit in honouring a guest. O amiable one, be kind to me. I tell thee truly that my heart is set upon honouring thee that art my guest.' Having formed this resolution, the high-souled bird with a smiling face, thrice circumambulated that fire and then entered its flames.
Beholding he bird enter that fire, the fowler began to think, and asked himself, 'What have I done? Alas, dark and terrible will be my sin, without doubt in consequence of my own acts! I am exceedingly cruel and worthy of reprobation. Indeed, observing the bird lay down his life, the fowler, deprecating his own acts, began to indulge in copious lamentations like thee.'"
'After the fowler had left that spot, the she-pigeon, remembering her husband and afflicted with grief on his account, wept copiously and indulged in these lamentations,
She then beheld her (deceased) husband adorned with bracelets, seated on a (celestial) car, and adored by many high-souled and meritorious beings standing around him. Indeed, there he was in the firmament, decked with fine garlands and attired in excellent robes, and adorned with every ornament. Around him were innumerable celestial cars ridden by beings who had acted meritoriously while in this world. Seated on his own celestial car, the bird ascended to heaven, and obtaining proper honours for his deeds in this world, continued to sport in joy, accompanied by his wife.'"
In the forest Once a fowler with limbs stiffened by cold, could neither stop where he was nor move due to heavy storm.
While in this state he eyed a she-pigeon lying on the ground, stiffened with cold. The sinful wight, though himself in the same predicament, beholding the bird, picked her up and immured her in a cage.
He then resolved to pass the night under the shade of that tree.
In one of the branches of that tree lived the he - pigeon ,Seeing the night had come and his wife still unreturned, the bird began to indulge in lamentations:
'Oh, great has been the storm and painful the shower that came today! Alas, thou has not yet returned, O dear wife! Woe is on me, what can be the cause that she has not yet comeback to us? Is every thing right with that dear spouse of mine in the forest? Separated from her, this my home appears to me empty!
A house-holder's home, even if filled with
- sons and
- grandsons and
- daughters-in-law and
- servants, is regarded empty if destitute of the housewife.
One's house is not one's home; one's wife only is one's home. A house without the wife is as desolate as the wilderness. If that dear wife of mine, of eyes fringed with red, of variegated plumes, and of sweet voice, does not come back today, my life itself will cease to be of any value.
Of excellent vows,
- she never eats before I eat, and
- never bathes before I bathe.
- She never sits before I sit down, and
- never lies before I lie down.
- She rejoices if I rejoice, and
- becomes sorry when I am sorry.
- When I am away she becomes cheerless, and
- when I am angry she ceases not to speak sweetly.
- Ever devoted to her lord and
- ever relying upon her lord,
- she was ever employed in doing what was agreeable to and beneficial for her lord.
Worthy of praise is that person on earth who own such a spouse. That amiable creature knows that I am fatigued and hungry. Devoted to me and constant in her love, my famous spouse is exceedingly sweet-tempered and worships me devoutly.
Even the foot of a tree is one's home if one lives there with one's spouse as a companion. Without one's spouse, a very palace is truly a desolate wilderness.
- One's spouse is one's associate in all one's acts of Virtue, Profit and Pleasure.
- When one sets out for a strange land one's wife is one's trusted companion.
- It is said that the wife is the richest possession of her lord.
- In this world the wife is the only associate of her lord in all the concerns of life.
- The wife is ever the best of medicines that one can have in sickness and woe.
- There is no friend like unto the wife.
- There is no refuge better than the wife.
- There is no better ally in the world than the wife in acts undertaken for the acquisition of religious merit.
He that has not in his house a wife that is chaste and of agreeable speech, should go to the woods. For such a man there is no difference between home and wilderness.'"
'Hearing those piteous lamentations of the pigeon on the tree, the she-pigeon seized by the fowler began to say to herself as follows.'
"The she-pigeon said,
'Whether I have any merit or not, verily there is no limit to any good fortune when my dear lord thus speaks of me.
- She is no wife with whom her lord is not content.
- In the case of women, if their lords be gratified with them all the deities also become so.
- Since the marriage union takes place in the presence of fire, the husband is the wife's highest deity.
- That wife with whom her husband is not pleased becomes consumed into ashes, even like a creeper adorned with bunches of flowers in a forest conflagration.'
'I shall say what is now beneficial for thee.' Hearing me follow thou my counsel,
O dear lord, be thou the rescuer of a suppliant. This fowler lies here by thy abode, afflicted with cold and hunger. Do him the duties of hospitality. The sin that a person commits by slaying a Brahmana or that mother of the world, viz., a cow, is equal to that which one incurs by suffering a suppliant to perish (from want of help). Thou art possessed of knowledge of self. It ever behoves one like thee, therefore, to follow that course which has been ordained for us as pigeons by the order of our birth. It has been heard by us that the householder who practises virtue according to the measure of his abilities, wins hereafter inexhaustible regions of bliss. Thou hast sons. Thou hast progeny. O bird, casting off all kindness for thy own body, therefore, and for winning virtue and profit, offer worship to this fowler so that his heart may be pleased. Do not, O bird, indulge in any grief on my account. (See, how unimportant I am!) Thou mayst continue to live, taking other wives!' The amiable she-pigeon, overcome with sorrow, and casting her eyes upon her lord from the fowler's cage within which she had been immured, said these words unto him.'"
'Hearing these words fraught with morality and reason that were spoken by his wife, the pigeon became filled with great delight and his eyes were bathed in tears of joy. Beholding that fowler whose avocation was the slaughter of birds, the pigeon honoured him scrupulously according to the rites laid down in the ordinance.
Addressing him, he said, 'Thou art welcome today. Tell me, what I shall do for thee. Thou shouldst not repine. This is thy home. Tell me quickly what I am to do and what is thy pleasure. I ask thee this in affection, for thou hast solicited shelter at our hands.
- Hospitality should be shown to even one's foe when he comes to one's house.
- The tree withdraws not its shade from even the person that approaches it for cutting it down.
One should, with scrupulous care, do the duties of hospitality towards a person that craves for shelter. Indeed,
- one is especially bound to do so if one happens to lead a life of domesticity that consists of the five sacrifices.
- If one, while leading a life of domesticity, does not, from want of judgment, perform the five sacrifices, one loses, according to the scriptures, both this and the next world.
Tell me then trustfully and in intelligible words what thy, wishes are. I will accomplish them all. Do not set thy heart on grief.' Hearing these words of the bird, the fowler replied unto him, saying,
'I am stiff with cold. Let provision be made for warming me.' Thus addressed, the bird gathered together a number of dry leaves on the ground, and taking a single leaf in his beak speedily went away for fetching fire. Proceeding to a spot where fire is kept, he obtained a little fire and came back to the spot. He then set fire to those dry leaves, and when they blazed forth into vigorous flames, he addressed his guest, saying,
'Do thou trustfully and without fear warm thy limbs.' Thus addressed, the fowler said, 'So be it.' And he set himself to warm his stiffened limbs. Recovering (as it were) his life-breathes the fowler said unto his winged host, 'Hunger is afflicting me. I wish thee to give me some food.'
Hearing his words the bird said, 'I have no stores by which to appease thy hunger.
- We, denizens of the woods, always live upon what we get every day.
- Like the ascetics of the forest we never hoard for the morrow.'
'I heard in former days from high-souled Rishis and gods and Pitris that there is great merit in honouring a guest. O amiable one, be kind to me. I tell thee truly that my heart is set upon honouring thee that art my guest.' Having formed this resolution, the high-souled bird with a smiling face, thrice circumambulated that fire and then entered its flames.
Beholding he bird enter that fire, the fowler began to think, and asked himself, 'What have I done? Alas, dark and terrible will be my sin, without doubt in consequence of my own acts! I am exceedingly cruel and worthy of reprobation. Indeed, observing the bird lay down his life, the fowler, deprecating his own acts, began to indulge in copious lamentations like thee.'"
'The fowler, seeing the pigeon fall into the fire, became filled with compassion and once more said,
'Alas, cruel and senseless that I am, what have I done! I ant certainly a mean wretch! Great will be my sin for everlasting years! Indulging in such self-reproaches he began to say, repeatedly, 'I am unworthy of credit. My understanding is wicked. I am ever sinful in my resolves. Alas, abandoning all kinds of honourable occupation, I have become a fowler A cruel wretch that I am, without doubt, this high-souled pigeon, by laying down his own life, has read me a grave lesson. Abandoning wives and sons, I shall certainly cast off my very life-breaths that are so dear. The high-souled pigeon has taught me that duty.
From this day, denying every comfort to my body, I shall wear it out even as a shallow tank in the season of summer. Capable of bearing hunger, thirst, and penances, reduced to emaciation, and covered with visible veins all over, I shall, by diverse kinds of practise such vows as have a reference to the other world. Alas, by giving up his body, the pigeon has shown the worship that should be paid to a guest. Taught by his example.
- I shall henceforth practise righteousness. Righteousness is the highest refuge (of all creatures).
- Indeed, I shall practise such righteousness as has been seen in the righteous pigeon, that foremost of all winged creatures.'
'After the fowler had left that spot, the she-pigeon, remembering her husband and afflicted with grief on his account, wept copiously and indulged in these lamentations,
- 'I cannot, O dear lord, recollect a single instance of thy having done me an injury! Widows, even if mothers of many children, are still miserable! Bereft of her husband, a woman becomes helpless and an object of pity with her friends.
- I was always cherished by thee, and in consequence of the great respect thou hadst for me
- I was always honoured by thee with sweet, agreeable, charming, and delightful words.
- I sported with thee in valleys, in springs of rivers, and on delightful tops of trees.
- I was also made happy by thee while roving with thee through the skies.
- I used to sport with thee before, O dear lord, but where are those joys now? Limited are the gifts of the father, of the brother, and of the son to a woman. The gifts that her husband alone makes to her are unlimited. What woman is there that would not, therefore, adore her lord? A woman has no protector like her lord, and no happiness like her lord. Abandoning all her wealth and possessions, a woman should take to her lord as her only refuge. Life here is of no use to me, O lord, now that I am separated from thee. What chaste woman is there that would, when deprived of her lord, venture to bear the burden of life?' Filled with sorrow and indulging in such piteous lamentations, the she-pigeon, devoted to her lord, cast herself on the blazing fire.
She then beheld her (deceased) husband adorned with bracelets, seated on a (celestial) car, and adored by many high-souled and meritorious beings standing around him. Indeed, there he was in the firmament, decked with fine garlands and attired in excellent robes, and adorned with every ornament. Around him were innumerable celestial cars ridden by beings who had acted meritoriously while in this world. Seated on his own celestial car, the bird ascended to heaven, and obtaining proper honours for his deeds in this world, continued to sport in joy, accompanied by his wife.'"
No evil befalls the persons who listens every day to this story or who recites it every day, even if error invades his mind.
O Yudhisthira, O foremost of all righteous persons, the protection of a suppliant is truly a high act of merit. Even the slayer of a cow, by practising this duty, maybe cleansed of sin. That human, however, will never be cleansed who slays a suppliant.
By listening to this sacred and sin-cleansing story one becomes freed from distress and attains to heaven at last.'"
“O Grandisre! What would be the behaviour of a servant towards his master?” asked Dharmaja.
“O Dharmaja! There was a hunter. He went into forest for hunting. He applies poison to the tip of his arrow and shot a deer. But that arrow hit a tree. With the power of the poison, the entire tree with flowers and fruits dried out.
A parrot was living on that tree. Inspite of the tree being dried out, the parrot continued to live upon that tree, out of regard towards that tree. The parrot did not leave that tree inspite of hot son, wind, and rain.
Indra came to know about that tree. Indra came down to that parrot in the form of an ordinary man. “O parrot! this tree is dried out. There are other trees in this forest with leaves, fruits and flowers. Why are you hanging to this dry branch instead of moving to any other tree.”asked Mahendra.
“What is this Mahendra! Attaching to the tree while it was having plenty of fruits and abandoning the tree while it is dried out, is nothing but lack of gratitude.”said the parrot.
Mahendra was taken aback.
“How this parrot recognised me as Indra though I am in disguise.? By virtue of its Punya during previous birth, the parrot got this power of recognising my original form.”Indra thought for himself.
“O parrot! anyhow I have come. Choose anything you like?” asked Indra.
“Bring its previous glory to this tree” asked the parrot. Indra sprinkled Amrutha on the dry tree. The dried up tree got its original form with leaves, fruits and flowers.
Therefore, O Dharmaja! that parrot, instead of choosing any thing for its own, opted for the welfare of the tree which gave her shelter all these days. That is the loyalty to be shown by servants to their masters.” said Bhishma to Dharmaja.
“O Dharmaja! There was a hunter. He went into forest for hunting. He applies poison to the tip of his arrow and shot a deer. But that arrow hit a tree. With the power of the poison, the entire tree with flowers and fruits dried out.
A parrot was living on that tree. Inspite of the tree being dried out, the parrot continued to live upon that tree, out of regard towards that tree. The parrot did not leave that tree inspite of hot son, wind, and rain.
Indra came to know about that tree. Indra came down to that parrot in the form of an ordinary man. “O parrot! this tree is dried out. There are other trees in this forest with leaves, fruits and flowers. Why are you hanging to this dry branch instead of moving to any other tree.”asked Mahendra.
“What is this Mahendra! Attaching to the tree while it was having plenty of fruits and abandoning the tree while it is dried out, is nothing but lack of gratitude.”said the parrot.
Mahendra was taken aback.
“How this parrot recognised me as Indra though I am in disguise.? By virtue of its Punya during previous birth, the parrot got this power of recognising my original form.”Indra thought for himself.
“O parrot! anyhow I have come. Choose anything you like?” asked Indra.
“Bring its previous glory to this tree” asked the parrot. Indra sprinkled Amrutha on the dry tree. The dried up tree got its original form with leaves, fruits and flowers.
Therefore, O Dharmaja! that parrot, instead of choosing any thing for its own, opted for the welfare of the tree which gave her shelter all these days. That is the loyalty to be shown by servants to their masters.” said Bhishma to Dharmaja.
Bhishma to Yudhishthira -
When Hunger Becomes Question of Life and Death
When Hunger Becomes Question of Life and Death
- In the first place one should steal from a low person.
- Failing such a person one may steal from one's equal.
- Failing an equal, one may steal from even an eminent and righteous man.
Bhishma to Yudhishthira
'O mighty-armed one, the
I have no doubt also in this. O bull of Bharata's race, that
'O mighty-armed one, the
- peace and prosperity of subjects,
- sufficiency and seasonableness of rain,
- disease, death and other fears,
I have no doubt also in this. O bull of Bharata's race, that
- Krita,
- Treta,
- Dwapara, and
- Kali, as regards their setting in,
Male Should Pay Dowry
Bhishma to Yudhishthira
There was, O foremost of Bharata's descendants, in the race of Bharata, a king of the name of Ajamida, who performed many sacrifices and was the best of all virtuous men. His son was the great king named Jahnu. Ganga was the daughter of this high-minded prince. The farfamed and equally virtuous Sindhudwipa was the son of this prince.
From Sindhudwipa sprung the great royal sage Valakaswa. His son was named Vallabha who was like a second Dharma in embodied form. His son again was Kusika who was refulgent with glory like unto the thousand-eyed Indra. Kusika's son was the illustrious King Gadhi who, being childless and desiring to have a son born unto him, repaired to the forest. Whilst living there, a daughter was born unto him. She was called Satyavati by name, and in beauty of appearance she had no equal on Earth.
The illustrious son of Chyavana, celebrated by the name of Richika, of the race of Bhrigu, endued with austere penances, sought the hand of this lady. Gadhi, the destroyer of his enemies, thinking him to be poor, did not bestow her in marriage upon the high-souled Richika. But when the latter, thus dismissed, was going away, the excellent king, addressing him said,--'If thou givest me a marriage dower thou shalt have my daughter for thy wife.'
"Richika said, 'What dower, O king, shall I offer thee for the hand of thy daughter? Tell me truly, without feeling any hesitation in the matter. Gadhi said,--'O descendant of Bhrigu, do thou give me a thousand horses fleet as the wind, and possessing the hue of moon-beams, and each having one ear black.'
"Bhishma said,
'Then that mighty son of Chyavana who was the foremost of Bhrigu's race, besought the deity Varuna, the son of Aditi, who was the lord of all the waters.--O best of gods, I pray to thee to give me a thousand horses, all endued with the speed of the wind and with complexion as effulgent as the moon's, but each having one ear black. The god Varuna, the son of Aditi, said to that excellent scion of Bhrigu's race,--Be it so. Wheresoever thou shalt seek, the horses shalt arise (in thy presence).--As soon as Richika thought of them, there arose from the waters of Ganga thousand high-mettled horses, as lustrous in complexion as the moon. Not far from Kanyakubja, the sacred bank of Ganga is still famous among men as Aswatirtha in consequence of the appearance of those horses at that place. Then Richika, that best of ascetics, pleased in mind, gave those thousand excellent horses unto Gadhi as the marriage-dower.
King Gadhi, filled with wonder and fearing to be cursed, gave his daughter, bedecked with jewels, unto that son of Bhrigu. That foremost of regenerate Rishis accepted her hand in marriage according to the prescribed rites.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
“O Grandisre” Can I ask you an irritable question. During sexual intercourse, who enjoys much, either male or female.?” asked Dharmaja.
(In fact, this quetion is irrelevant because Bhishma remained unmarried throughout his life. How can he answer this question? But Bhishma appeared to have got over this situation by narratring another story.)
“O Dharmaja! In the past, there was a king called Bhangaswa. He was issueless. He performed yajna without the permission of Indra, which was a prerequisite. As a result of yajna, Bringaswa begot one hundred sons. He was happy. But Indra bore grudge upon Bhringasva for performing Yajna without his permission.
One day Bhringasva went into forest for hunting. He lost his way due to the influence of Indra. Bhringasva was thirsty. He drank water in a nearby pond. Strangely, he was transformed into a lady. He was very much annoyed for this unwanted ladyhood. “How can I go back to city as a lady ? What my citizens, my wife and children think about me? On the other hand, I cannot even remain in this forest.” thought Bhringasva.
At last he went back to the city and called for a metting of his ministers and discussed the matter at length. On their advice, he got his elder son enthroned as King of his Kingdom. Bhringasva, in lady form, went back to forests. He was living in the forest along with other sages and saints.
One young saint fell in love with Bhringasva and married her and begot 100 sons. Bhringasva took his hundred sons and went back to his kingdom and told his former sons about his marriage and begetting hundred sons. All the two hundred sons of Bhringasva were living happily, enjoying royal pleasures.
Devendra could not tolerate this situation. He wanted to create rifts between the sons of Bhringasva. Devendra approached the former sons of Bhringasva and spoiled their minds and created ill feelings between them. All the two hundred sons quarrelled with each other and died. Bhringasva was lamenting for the death of all his sons. Indra, in disguise, appeared before him.
“O Bhringasva! what happened? why are you weeping?” asked Indra. Bhringasva told Indra right from his going to forest for hunting till all his sons died by quarrelling with each other.
Then Indra appeared in his original form. “You performed Yajna without my permission. Hence all these troubles are created by me.” said Indra.
“O Indra! By mistake, I did not obtain your permission for performing Yajna. But you are the chief of divine bodies. Is it proper on your part to behave like this? Kindly excuse me and save me.” prayed Bhringasva.
“O King! I can bring back some of your sons alive. Choose among your sons, either your sons begot by you while you were Bhringasva or your sons begot by you while you were lady.” asked Indra.
“O Indra! Kindly make my sons, begot by me while I was a lady, alive.
Indra was astonished. “Why dont you choose your former sons ? Are they not your sons? ” asked Indra.
“Yes they are also my sons, but begot by me while I was male. But I am a mother to my later sons. Mother’s love is greater than fatherly affection.” said Bhringasva.
Indra was very much satisfied with his reply. “O Bhringasva! I give life to all your two hundred sons. Besides that, I restore your manhood also. You are no more a female.” said Indra.
“No Indra! I prefer to remain as a female than male.” said Bhringasva.
“What is this Bhringasva! originally you are a male. Why you prefer to remain as female?” asked Indra.
Feeling shy, Bhringasva said: “Indra! you are a male. You do not know the mind of female. Ladies derive more pleasure in sexual intercourse than males. I dont want to be deprived of that sexual pleasure. Hence I prefer to remain as female.” said Bhringasva.
Devendra smiled and blessed Bhringasva as a female.
“O Dharmaja! you got an answer to your question” said Bhishma.
(In fact, this quetion is irrelevant because Bhishma remained unmarried throughout his life. How can he answer this question? But Bhishma appeared to have got over this situation by narratring another story.)
“O Dharmaja! In the past, there was a king called Bhangaswa. He was issueless. He performed yajna without the permission of Indra, which was a prerequisite. As a result of yajna, Bringaswa begot one hundred sons. He was happy. But Indra bore grudge upon Bhringasva for performing Yajna without his permission.
One day Bhringasva went into forest for hunting. He lost his way due to the influence of Indra. Bhringasva was thirsty. He drank water in a nearby pond. Strangely, he was transformed into a lady. He was very much annoyed for this unwanted ladyhood. “How can I go back to city as a lady ? What my citizens, my wife and children think about me? On the other hand, I cannot even remain in this forest.” thought Bhringasva.
At last he went back to the city and called for a metting of his ministers and discussed the matter at length. On their advice, he got his elder son enthroned as King of his Kingdom. Bhringasva, in lady form, went back to forests. He was living in the forest along with other sages and saints.
One young saint fell in love with Bhringasva and married her and begot 100 sons. Bhringasva took his hundred sons and went back to his kingdom and told his former sons about his marriage and begetting hundred sons. All the two hundred sons of Bhringasva were living happily, enjoying royal pleasures.
Devendra could not tolerate this situation. He wanted to create rifts between the sons of Bhringasva. Devendra approached the former sons of Bhringasva and spoiled their minds and created ill feelings between them. All the two hundred sons quarrelled with each other and died. Bhringasva was lamenting for the death of all his sons. Indra, in disguise, appeared before him.
“O Bhringasva! what happened? why are you weeping?” asked Indra. Bhringasva told Indra right from his going to forest for hunting till all his sons died by quarrelling with each other.
Then Indra appeared in his original form. “You performed Yajna without my permission. Hence all these troubles are created by me.” said Indra.
“O Indra! By mistake, I did not obtain your permission for performing Yajna. But you are the chief of divine bodies. Is it proper on your part to behave like this? Kindly excuse me and save me.” prayed Bhringasva.
“O King! I can bring back some of your sons alive. Choose among your sons, either your sons begot by you while you were Bhringasva or your sons begot by you while you were lady.” asked Indra.
“O Indra! Kindly make my sons, begot by me while I was a lady, alive.
Indra was astonished. “Why dont you choose your former sons ? Are they not your sons? ” asked Indra.
“Yes they are also my sons, but begot by me while I was male. But I am a mother to my later sons. Mother’s love is greater than fatherly affection.” said Bhringasva.
Indra was very much satisfied with his reply. “O Bhringasva! I give life to all your two hundred sons. Besides that, I restore your manhood also. You are no more a female.” said Indra.
“No Indra! I prefer to remain as a female than male.” said Bhringasva.
“What is this Bhringasva! originally you are a male. Why you prefer to remain as female?” asked Indra.
Feeling shy, Bhringasva said: “Indra! you are a male. You do not know the mind of female. Ladies derive more pleasure in sexual intercourse than males. I dont want to be deprived of that sexual pleasure. Hence I prefer to remain as female.” said Bhringasva.
Devendra smiled and blessed Bhringasva as a female.
“O Dharmaja! you got an answer to your question” said Bhishma.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
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- Bhishma vs Parashuram Duel - Divine Chariot Vision (1)
- Bhishma vs Parashuram Duel - How it Ended (1)
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- BirthSecretParasuramaVisvamitra (1)
- Book of the Creation (1)
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- Caste - No Barrier to Learning (1)
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- Dattatreya to Prahlad (1)
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- Devavrata / Boy's Vow of Celibacy / Ref (1)
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- Full Length Telugu Movie (1)
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- Gathering of Sages at Bhismadev's Passing (1)
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- hellorheaven (1)
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- His Power (1)
- Hope (1)
- How Govardhana Hill Came to Braja (1)
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- jane adams art (1)
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- Karna : Forgive Me / Why defeat/ (1)
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- kinds of ladies (1)
- krishna (1)
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- Kurukshetra (1)
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- List of Saints Present at Departure From World (1)
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- New Value System (1)
- Nirvana (1)
- Non Violence (1)
- Not receiving anything from others freely (1)
- Nriga (1)
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- Omens (1)
- PadmaPurana (1)
- pale and lean (1)
- pancaratrika (1)
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- Stuti / Book (1)
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- Twelve categories of children (1)
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- vrishadarbhi (1)
- War Rules Set by Him (1)
- warriors (1)
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- Wheel (1)
- Who (1)
- Whoever (1)
- Why Bhishma vs Parsuram Duel (1)
- Women (1)
- Worshipful Human Beings (1)
- Wounds (1)
- YamaGita (1)
- Yoga (1)
- Yugas (1)