Sunday, 1 September 2013


This incidence is in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Bhismadeva.., when he was lying on his arrow bed before passing away, Lord Krishna, accompanied with the Pandavas, came to see him. Ordinarily, Bhismadeva.. was worshipper of Lord Visnu, but he knew also that Krishna is the same Lord Visnu. When Krishna came to see Bhismadeva.. on his death bed, Bhismadeva.. remembered Krishna in His fighting feature at the battlefield of Kuruksetra. Bhismadeva.. wanted to see Krishna angry, he knew that Krishna was very kind upon him, but to make a front he displayed a chivalrous mood, pretending to kill Arjuna, although he knew it very well that no power in the world could kill Arjuna while he was shielded by Krishna Himself as his charioteer. Yet he tried to agitate the mind of Krishna, but Arjuna he almost killed.

Actually, Krishna thought it that Bhismadeva.. was to see Him in His angry mood and supposed to be broken in His promise, to fulfill the desire of Bhismadeva.. He got down from the chariot and took a wheel of the chariot, going forward as if to kill Bhismadeva.. Bhismadeva.., as soon as found Krishna in that angry mood, he gave up his fighting weapons and prepared himself for being killed by Krishna. This attitude of Krishna pleased Bhismadeva.. very much, and at the time of his death he recalled back the angry feature of Krishna. He was a military man so he was pleased to see Krishna in military spirit, as much as the Gopis wanted to see Krishna as the most beautiful lover. There is no difference between the attitude of the gopis and Bhismadeva.. in the matter of exchanging transcendental mellows between God and His devotee. Krishna can be loved in any feature and because he is absolute there is no difference to love Krishna as a military man or as a simple Gopi.

lalita-gati-vilasa-valguhasa- pranaya-nirikshana-kalpitorumanah krita-manu-krita-vatya unmadandhah prakritim agan kila yasya gopa-vadhvah (1.9.40)

ललितगतिविलासवल्गुहास प्रणयनिरीक्षणकल्पितोरुमानाः कृतमनुकृतवत्य उन्मदान्धाः प्रकृतिमगन्किल यस्य गोपवध्वः(1.9.40)

“O, Gopi Krishna, Blinded by intense love (‘unmadhandhah’) from within for You, Gopis of Vrindavan started imitating Your steps (‘anukritavatya’). Your graceful gait, that adorable smile and amorous glances made them loose themselves and be one with You. I too pray for that parama prema Bhakthi in You” - Bhishma Stuthi To play with a little child, a parent becomes a little child first, likewise Lord Krishna became one amongst Gopis, reciprocating to the prema Bhakthi of Gopis. Whatever be the way of attachment towards Lord, anger, love, devotion etc, will all lead to Moksha. But the way Gopis attains their Bhakthi for Lord is of the highest order, which is what Bhishma prays for. 

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