Tuesday 10 December 2013

Caste - No Barrier to Learning

“O Grandisre! Is it against Dharma to teach Veda and other Sastras to a person who was endowed with good qualities and virtuous behaviour but born in lower caste.”asked Dharmaja.

“O Dharmaja! in this connection, a story will clear your doubt. Listen. Several virtuous brahmins were performing tapas on Himalayas. One day, a sudra who was virtuous with righteous qualities and good behaviour approached them.

“O Brahmins! you are performing tapas. Kindly tell me how to perform tapas and the procedure to be followed toperform tapas.” asked Sudra.

“O virtuous man! you are a Sudra born in lower caste. It is not proper on our part to teach Vaidika Vidya to you. You are fit to serve us but not to perform tapas.” said the brahmins.

Sudra lived there serving those brahmins. But daily he was observing the daily procedure adopted by Brahmins and he also began to adopt the same procedure to perform tapas.

One day, the chief priest who was guiding those brahmins came to the hut of Sudra. The chief priest was pleased with his behaviour and the rituals he was performing daily. The chief priest taught him the lapses in his rituals and guided him properly to perform all vedic rituals. Sudra also devotedly followed the chief priest and was performing vedic rituals in right manner.

In course of time, both Sudra and the chief priest died. In next birth, Sudra was born as the son of a King and the chief priest was born as the son of a virtuous brahmin, studying Vedas. Later, the chief priest born in a virtuous brahmin family became the chief priest of the King and he was serving the son of that King who was Sudra in his previous birth.

Beholding the Brahmin who was serving him as a chief priest, the son of the King was smiling. The brahmin could not understand the reason for his smiling. One day, the brahmin asked the King:

“O King! why you are smiling while looking at me. Is there any fault on my part in performing vedic rituals?” asked the brahmin.

“O virtuous brahmin! fortunately, I got the knowledge of my previous birth. In my last birth, I was a Sudra and you taught me the skills in Vedic rituals. As a result, you are now born as a Purohit to serve a king. Hence I am smiling at you.” said the King.

Therefore, O Dharmaja! Vedic rituals and mantras and trantras shall be taught to Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas that too, to those who are eligible to learn.” said Bhishma.

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